Sage 1.4.4 has been released. This is a maintenance release to address a security issue.
There will be a Firefox 3.6 compatibility release following shortly.
Sage 1.4.4 has been released. This is a maintenance release to address a security issue.
There will be a Firefox 3.6 compatibility release following shortly.
Looking forward to the Firefox 3.6 compatible update as this is one of my most used add-ons. Id track the update with my handy Sage RSS sidebar, but now thats not going to happen while running 3.6 now is it?
Keep us posted.
Indeed. Being without Sage is like being without arms. No other feed extensions boast the convenience or features of this lovely little add-on. I wouldve messed with install.rdf for a temporary fix, but I dont have a loose copy of the XPI.
You are all correct. This is the best and most useful add-on I use.
I am waiting with bated breath for you to update and make available.
Please remember to point out somewhere that 1.4.x CAN be used in FF 3.6 by changing the MaxVersion token in install.rdf from 3.x to 3.6. I have 1.4.2 running even though its not doing too well.
Great Add-ons!!! I have just one question: I am trying to see more than 10 news for feeds. Is it possible? thanks for the attention!
Sage displays all the items that are in the feed when you view it. If the feed contains ten items, you’ll see ten items.
Although I am not a developer of any kind, I was able to dig around and find out how to update the MaxVersion token and Sage is running in Firefox 3.6. The only problem is that Sage doesn’t show updated feeds in bold. Is there a way to get this working or is the 3.6 official release coming soon enough for me not to worry about it?
Yes, if you’re feeling adventurous, the current release can be coerced into working with Firefox 3.6. You’ll notice a few problems with the feed tree in the sidebar, otherwise it’s usable.
Hi Peter,
first I would like to thank you for this great add-on.
Second, Im awayting eagerly the 3.6 compatible release, as of now I made it work using MR Tech Tookit but as youve mentioned the list hase some problems
Keep up the good work!
>>The only problem is that Sage doesn’t show updated feeds in bold.
Here is quick hack. Unpack sage.jar. Find this line in sage.js :
“var node = this._visibleElements[aRow].node;”
and change to look like :
“var node = this._visibleElements[aRow];”
Look for “_extendPlacesTreeView : function()” and function “sage_isContainer(aRow)”
Put unpacked content back to sage.jar.
If you want to use unpacked content, don’t forget to modify “chrome.manifest” accordingly.
>> Being without Sage is like being without arms.
Great Add-ons!!!
Good luck!
Vladmir: Thanks! That seemed to work perfectly.
Hi Vladimir,
I found two occurrences of “var node = this._visibleElements[aRow].node;” in sage.js and changed them both to “var node = this._visibleElements[aRow];”, is this ok ? At first sight, it seems to install and work correctly with FF 3.6 after changing the MaxVersion in install.rdf
As I know, it is OK.
Works just fine, thanks a lot!
Do you have an E.T.A when the 3.6 compatible version will be out? This is one of the extensions I use most on firefox to filter what to read and its the best feed reader Ive come across, keep up the good work.
Just updated to 2.6 and now I know why I should have waited.
@Peter Andrews: Thanks for the update. I assume that the security issue addressed in this version is the “Chrome Privileged Code Injection” bug which is listed on your Bugzilla page? Can’t wait for the 3.6 update.
@Vladimir: The updater fix that you posted seems to work great. Thanks.
One issue that really annoys me is that my “Sage Feeds” folder title is erased every time I open the Bookmarks Sidebar or organize my bookmarks. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
As far as I can see, the vulnerability isn’t fixed on this release.
I had same issue. Folder name is erased. Very annoying. Switched to Sage++. Sage is always last one to update its version for firefox. Sage* is must. Hope someday Sage author makes this addon more powerful.
Please get the FF3.6 version out asap. Sage is my one and only favorite RSS reader!!
Does anyone have a fixed package of Sage 1.4.4 that works with FF 3.6 that includes the fixes mentioned above? I can use it till the official update is out.
“Please get the FF3.6 version out asap. Sage is my one and only favorite RSS reader!!”
“Just updated to 2.6 and now I know why I should have waited.
“Do you have an E.T.A when the 3.6 compatible version will be out? This is one of the extensions I use most on firefox to filter what to read and its the best feed reader Ive come across, keep up the good work.”
I fully agree hope Peter can fix the probs soon
Please make it Firefox 3.6 compatible, haven’t read my feeds for 4 days now…
I’ve been waiting on Google’s web browser’s extensions for quite a while … At this point I have played with 5 extensions and have been impressed with the extensions. FF has recently slowed down and the extensions are a welcome change.
Vladimir, i followed your instructions and they worked perfectly, thanx from sweden!
Thanks Vladimir. Your Fix works perfektly.
Oh man…. I really need this… I shouldnt have updated.
This is always an issue, there is never a prompt update for sage. I would use this add on throughout the day to refresh my rss feeds with such ease and speed. However its so unreliable as to whenever there is a firefox update, im left with no rss reader. Cmon guys, it shouldnt be that hard to release a new compatible version. Dont get me wrong, i love this add on and have been using it for a veeeeeery long time, but ive switched to safari and its inbuilt rss. its wicked! Thanks anyway! keep the good job up!
Sage 1.44 work in 3.6? ?????
Nope, but my guess is that developers also need it on their copies of Firefox so they will probably rush it if they want to update to Firefox 3.6 themselves.
Thanks … Sage 1.4.5 and FF 3.6 are back together again. Great work … it was an add-on that I sorely missed.